Board of directors

Martin dallaire, President, & CEO
Martin Dallaire is the President and a director of Fieldex. Mr. Dallaire obtained an engineering degree from the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi in 1992. Mr. Dallaire has more than ten years of experience in the financial industry, with particular expertise in managing and financing junior mining companies. His experience includes strategic planning, corporate structuring and reorganization, sourcing and structuring public and private financings, due diligence reviews and mergers and acquisitions. Mr. Dallaire is a member of the Surveillance Committee of the FÉRIQUE Funds since 2005. The surveillance committee mission is to monitor the Funds, their yields, their investment policies and the managers. Mr. Dallaire is also the President of Fieldex Exploration and X-Terra Resources Corporation.The multiplication of assets of its clients is also a constant concern for the surveillance committee. FÉRIQUE Fund assets under management represents over $1.3 billion and is considered by the industry as one of the top performing saving Funds in Canada.

Sylvain Champagne, Chief Financial Officer and Director
Sylvain Champagne holds a B.B.A. degree from the Université du Québec Abitibi-Temiscamingue. Mr. Champagne devotes less than half of his time to the business and affairs of the Company. Mr. Champagne is also Chief Financial Officer and a Director of Fokus Mining and X-Terra Resources Corporation.
Pierre Vézina, Director
M. Vézina est titulaire d'un MBA de l'Université du Québec à Montréal et d'un MBA pour cadres de l'Université Paris-Dauphine en France. Depuis 1990, il fut impliqué dans le développement des affaires et le marketing pour diverses entreprises en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. Les principales tâches étaient de constituer des équipes de vente et de créer de la valeur. Au cours des dernières années, Pierre a occupé de nombreux postes de direction dans divers secteurs. Il est maintenant Chef des revenus chez Celliers Intelligents, une entreprise leader dans le domaine de la gestion des stocks utilisant l'intelligence artificielle.
Sébastien Bellefleur, Director
Liens rapides
Corporate OverviewGestion et direction
Historique d'entreprise
Gouvernance d'entreprise